Thursday, October 31, 2013

Hobbit Halloween

Yep, we were hobbits :)  In honor of our love for Tolkien, we donned ourselves in attire straight from the Shire.  And Caleb was the cutest little hobbit we've ever seen!  We couldn't stop laughing and smiling as he ran around in bare feet and let his cloak whip behind him :)

Eli already had a hobbit costume from our days of dressing up as Lord of the Rings characters in college (he was Frodo, I was Legolas), so I made a trip to the thrift store to concoct some costumes for me and Caleb, and voila!  We were the Horn Hobbits :)  I must give a shout-out to Caleb's Grandma Horn who made his cloak.  Isn't it fabulous?

This is our first family picture!

Hobbits love to blow smoke rings :)

That cloak is so perfect!

our tiniest hobbit

We went trick-or-treating and Caleb was very intrigued.  Eli carried him and Caleb faithfully held his pipe in one hand and his candy bucket in the other hand the entire time!  He had a great time counting his stash when we got home.  He spent at least a half-hour pulling out each individual piece of candy and setting it aside, then putting each individual piece back into the bucket, over and over again.  He was very methodical about it.  Oh the joys of perusing a Halloween haul of candy!


admiring his candy

We love dressing up and we love trick-or-treating.  It's so much fun to have kids so we have the excuse to do this again!

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