Wednesday, September 5, 2012


We traveled to Indiana for the holiday weekend, which included Caleb's first flight.  We were a bit nervous, particularly since we were flying in the wee hours of the morning, but our little moose was an all-star traveler. Except for one very minor fussy spell when he was hungry/tired (which was easily fixed by nursing on the plane), he was either sleeping or smiling the entire trip.  Thank You, Lord!

We ventured to Carmel, Indiana to spend time with the Small Group we were a part of in Chicago.  These people were instrumental to our time in the Windy City.  We grew deep friendships with them and were strengthened and encouraged by their love for Jesus and their love for us.  And they're incredibly fun folks, too!  We met these people just a few months after we moved to Chicago and met with them regularly for the next 4 years, and now, even though half the group has moved away from Chicago, we've made a point to stay in touch and try to see each other at least once a year.  So we headed to Indiana (where one of the couples now lives) for Labor Day weekend to fellowship with these beautiful people again.

Besides playing games and watching the guys eat the "Big Ugly" at Bub's Burgers, we had an amazing worship service together on Sunday morning.  It was a sweet time of digging into the Word of God, singing praises to our God, and praying together.  We were singing "Give Me Jesus" when Caleb created one of my favorite moments of the entire weekend.  As soon as the song ended - literally, as soon as we had sung the last word and only the sound of the guitar strings were humming in the air - Caleb cooed in a sweet, loud  and joyful voice as if he'd been waiting for everyone else to be quiet so we could hear his own praises to Jesus.  We smiled and laughed, and Eli and my eyes were wet with tears, as we thanked Jesus that out of the mouths of children and infants He has received praise (Psalm 8:2, Matthew 21:16).

We came home refreshed and rejuvenated.  We are ever grateful for the amazing fellowship with have with the Body of Christ!

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