Friday, October 31, 2014

A Super Halloween

The cold could not keep us away (either the temperature or the virus that each of our boys currently have).  It may have kept our trick-or-treating to a minimum, but we are brave folk after all.  We are superheroes intent on having a Super Halloween!  So bring on the costumes and candy.  We love dressing up and we love eating sugar.  So Halloween is a fun time in our house :)

Caleb is in a superhero phase.  He loves to "run so fast" like they do, and he talks about how they're "gonna get 'em!" (i.e. the bad guys) and then makes a funny sound that's supposed to be the superhero using an amazing power to save the day.  He also loves wearing capes.  We read superhero books on a daily basis that cover both the Marvel and DC Comics universes.  We are in the know when it comes to superheroes.  And Caleb's affection only deepens every day.

So it was easy to pick costumes for Halloween.  We chose Batman because the boys already had outfits.  Eli dug up an old Robin costume and I opted to transform my Catwoman costume into a Batgirl costume.  And voila!  Here we are!

Eli and I were happy to be the sidekicks.  We're not foolish enough to think we run the show around here.  Those two little boys call the shots most days :)  We're proud to be their sidekicks!

Caleb was captivated by our masks and he felt the need to wear mine most of the night :)

Even though we only went down one block and back, it was totally worth it to see this kid trick-or-treating.  After the first house, he quickly realized what this was all about and literally ran down the sidewalk to the next house.  He kept saying, "Trick-or-treating, Daddy!  Trick-or-treating!"  Once I heard him say to another kid, "Dressed up superheroes!"  Clearly, he understands the fun of Halloween :)

Kai was less impressed with the trick-or-treating experience, but was a trouper overall.  He took turns snuggling with me and Eli and made many a person smile :)

If I had to name one of Caleb's superpowers, it would be infectious joy.  We recognized it in him early on and we continue to see him use it to spread joy to others.  It's a worthy superpower and one we're proud to see him use!  

Kai's superpower is contentedness.  That boy rolls with the punches in a way that is rare and encouraging.  He uses snuggles to lure you in, then blasts you with a wave of contentment as he leans his head on your shoulder.  An amazing superpower indeed!

Eli's superpower is the ability to sleep through any and all noise at all odd hours of the night.  I have to wake him up whenever it's his turn to deal with a kid overnight (which is every night because, for the past three months, neither kid has slept through the night).  But Eli doesn't mind when I sock him to wake him up.  I envy his sleeping superpower!

And me?  My superpower is finding every lost toy around the house.  That, and consuming an incredible amount of chocolate without getting sick.  My tolerance for an inordinate amount of chocolate is truly amazing!

With these superpowers in hand, we bid you a Happy Halloween!


  1. This is such a fun post. I love the part where you talked about each family member's super power. I have to say that my husband and Eli share one...for better or for worse. (-:

  2. I adore your and your family! Our children do have amazing superpowers don't they.
