Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Sick Day

Well, the church nursery has done it again: it's given our kid a cold.  This happens nearly every time.  Ugh.  It's not exactly my favorite past time to take care of a sick kid.  Both my husband and my doctor say the same thing: "It's good for him!  It develops his immune system!"  They call it the silver lining.  I call it the most annoying thing I've ever heard.

The true silver lining, at least this time around, is that Caleb's cold made him sleep amazingly well last night.  I was astonished since he usually sleeps worse when he's sick.  But he completely zonked out, which was exactly what this mama needed.  (His sleeping habits took a turn for the worst this past month.  He went from waking up just once overnight, to twice, and now three times.  It's utterly exhausting, and just plain annoying, to have your infant regress so thoroughly in the sleeping department.)

Because he's congested and coughing and sneezing and snotting, we're having a sick day at home.  Sick days = movies and Tylenol.  While my favorite "sick day movies" are The Princess Bride and Pride and Prejudice, Caleb opted for something a little less girly (although I vow that he will be watching The Princess Bride many times in the years to come!).  Caleb currently loves – LOVES – Baby McDonald: A Day on the Farm by Baby Einstein.  He doesn't watch much TV, but I popped it in last week when I needed a Mama Break, and he went nuts over it.  He's seen a couple other baby videos, which have garnered limited interest, but this DVD has evoked intense delight in our son.  He squeals, he coos, he bounces.  Apparently this kid wants to live on a farm someday.

When I tried to set him farther away from the TV, he greatly protested.  So I put him back and thought, "Whatever.  You're sick.  Stand inches from the screen and lose yourself in the cows and chickens.  We'll trust that your youth will save your eyesight for now."

Caleb typically enjoys taking Tylenol.  Not sure if that's a good thing in the long-run, but for now it's wonderful.  (He clearly gets this from me – I love the taste of Nyquil and lick the spoon clean whenever I'm sick and get to take it :) ).


At least it's a sunny day outside.  A cloudy, gloomy day on top of being sick is the worst.  But the sun is shining, the Tylenol is flowing, and the cows are mooing on the TV.  Could a sick day be any better than this?

1 comment:

  1. "Whatever...lose yourself in the cows and the chickens." Ha! Miss you guys.
