Thursday, February 7, 2013

Mama Time

For my health, for my sanity, we decided to hire a babysitter once a week so I can have some Mama Time.  A delightful college student has been coming every Thursday afternoon for a few hours to enjoy time with Caleb while I get away and breathe.  It's been much needed, especially since my husband has been working 80+ hours every week for the past two months.  This mama is too often alone, too often tired, too often without a moment to meet her own needs.  Life at home with an incredibly active infant is joyful, mesmerizing, and tiring, particularly since my just-as-tired husband is rarely home to help these days.  (Blast that residency!)

But now, on Thursday afternoons, I at least have a chance to breathe, to be Krista Lee and not just Mama.  I've been frequenting the library or the coffee shop, indulging in the oh-so-necessary chocolate chip cookie and accompanying hot chocolate, and working on my writing.  My time to write has taken a hit since moving to Duluth.  (Apparently being pregnant and subsequently caring for a baby aren't the most conducive circumstances to sitting still and focusing on being creative with the written word.)

So I'm cherishing these few hours every week.  It's nourishing to my soul and good for my creative side too.

1 comment:

  1. Good for you! We all need to keep our sanity. For me, I joined the YMCA last month where they babysit FOR FREE for an hour and a half. Sweet. So 4-5 times a week I go for a refreshing workout AWAY from my wee one.
