Sunday, January 13, 2013

Put That in Your Pipe and Smoke It!

"That" being drool...

Eli found this pipe in Turkey during his travels in college and was inspired to dig it out after seeing The Hobbit.  Caleb has decided he wants to be like Gandalf.  And Bilbo.  And all the dwarves who blow incredible smoke rings in the air.  (Eli wants me to point out that this pipe has never been used, so please don't report us!)

We can hardly express how hilarious it was to watch our son "smoke" a pipe.  He's got a new favorite past time:

Eli thinks he looks like a little old man here, lounging around, relaxing with his pipe and letting his cheeks hang low.  What a life!

1 comment:

  1. He DOES look like an old man! I love it! I'll be showing these to Pete when he comes home for lunch. They are great!
