Saturday, May 5, 2012

Due Date

It's May 5th and I am 40 weeks pregnant today.  I've been living with a miracle inside me for so long that sometimes it's hard to believe we'll finally get to meet this little miracle face to face!  Pregnancy has been such an interesting and life-changing experience for both of us, and it's strange to imagine that it will end soon with the birth of our child.  I've become so accustomed to my big belly and the extra snacking and the staring faces everywhere we go.  It's become a part of my identity.  But soon, very soon, that will change and I'll no longer be "the pregnant lady" but simply "Mom".  

I've said many times that the best decision I ever made was to marry Eli.  This has become even more evident as he's walked the road of pregnancy with me these past 40 weeks.  Eli has taken care of me, put up with me, been patient with me, been ecstatic with me, listened to me, and adored me.  Quite simply, he's loved me.  So well.  And so I will say it again: the best decision I've ever made was to marry that man!

"Where does the family start?  It starts with a young man falling in love with a girl - 
no superior alternative has yet been found."  

- Sir Winston Churchill

1 comment:

  1. Such a beautiful first post! I am beyond excited for the two of you...soon to be three. And how wonderful that our little ones will be so close in age. You're going to be an amazing mama. Of that I am sure.
