Monday, September 28, 2015

First (and Last) Week at Home

Asa's been home just over a week, and tomorrow we move!  We are so thankful he came when he did because I had time to recover from the delivery before packing became a priority, and also time to rest and enjoy our little big man for several days before our minds were consumed with the details of moving.

Our darling Asa loves to sleep, which has proved helpful the past couple days as sorting and packing has taken precedence over nearly all else.  Although he wouldn't let us put him down for several days after he was born, Asa is now content to sleep in the bouncy seat so our hands are free to do other things as needed.  He simply loves to sleep, almost all the time.  Occasionally he'll be awake enough to look around and acknowledge the world around him, but mostly he just sleeps.  Even though I'd love to see his eyes a bit more, a sleeping moose baby is one of life's greatest pleasures!  He's absolutely scrumptious :)

Another of life's greatest pleasures: a moose baby's little hands and feet.  Even though they're really not that little.  He is, after all, a moose baby.  His footprints didn't quite fit into the allotted space on the footprint card at the hospital.  But gosh those toes are irresistible!  I love tickling them while he nurses, which helps him stay awake to keep eating but also delights my heart.  And those little hands!  How I love to watch those wrinkly fingers stretch during the rare moments when he's awake.  Yes, little hands and little feet are one of life's greatest pleasures :)

Someone who has yet to understand the pure scrumptiousness of Asa is Kai.  He is mostly indifferent toward his baby brother.  It was several days before Kai really acknowledged his presence.  He definitely knows Asa's name, however, and will now acknowledge his brother's presence by declaring that he's taking a nap or having his diaper changed.  Kai is mostly indifferent, but at least he's not antagonistic!

Caleb, on the other hand, heartily welcomed Asa the moment he came home.  Although Caleb was shy while meeting his new brother at the hospital, he was thoroughly excited about Asa once he came through our door!  Caleb loves "helping" take care of Asa.  And he simply loves having him around.  He often reminds us to bring Asa along when we're going somewhere.  Caleb is a remarkable big brother!

We've been adjusting well and we thank God for that.  We should be stressed.  We just had a baby and now we're saying goodbye to friends and moving away, and dealing with one potty-training kid and two sick kids on top of it all.  But, by the grace of God, we're doing quite well.  His grace is sufficient!

So it's been a good first (and last) week at home with our newest moose baby :)  Tomorrow we leave Duluth and begin a new chapter with new adventures, and we're so excited to have Asa along for the ride.  He'll never remember the one week he lived in Duluth or the transitions we're about to experience, but we will.  Whenever we remember his birth, we'll also remember this crazy time of being here and there and everywhere, and we'll be so thankful he was there along with us!

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