Monday, August 30, 2021

A Summer of Family, Friends, and Lots of Fun

We arrived in the U.S. the day before my dad's birthday and were able to celebrate with him.  We've been blessed to see my parents and my older sister's family a lot this summer.  There's been a lot of time in the lake and a lot of cousin time.

We've also been blessed to see my best friend and her family a lot.  They have three boys also and it's "boy heaven" every time the kiddos are together!  And getting to spend time with Corrie is so good for my soul.

Fishing at my parents' house has been a highlight.  The boys have learned the difference between bluegills and crappies and large-mouth bass, and my dad has shown them how to fillet a fish, and recently we had a fish fry so they could learn what the fish tastes like.  The reviews were varied but at least they've tasted fried fish now.

We had quality Clark time a week after we landed.  My twin sister's family flew in from Oklahoma and it was great to have everyone together at my parents' house.  We asked the kids to line up from oldest to youngest for a cousin picture and it was hilarious to watch them try and figure out what order they should be in!

After that we drove across the state to join the extended Clark family.  We visited my 94-year old grandma (and reintroduced our kids to her since they didn't remember her at all), and then joined everyone for a day of touring a dairy farm, going on a sand dune buggy ride, and enjoying a beach on Lake Michigan.

We spent a few days at WGM headquarters and saw several of our colleagues from Kenya there.  The boys had a good time in the kids program and we enjoyed reconnecting with friends.

We spent 18 days traveling through the Midwest and seeing lots of friends and family.  The boys particularly loved being at the Horn family farm and being up on the North Shore of Minnesota.

It's been a busy but blessed summer.  Plenty of travel and lots of reconnecting with people we love.  We're thankful!

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