Saturday, October 19, 2019

A Birthday in the Park

It's already been a week since Eli's birthday, but I don't want to neglect a chance to acknowledge him and honor him.  He's been on my mind a lot today, what with being on-call all weekend, preparing for and administering an OSCE exam in the midst of being on-call, and skipping meals as if they're not important anyway.  Eli is a hard-working man and I've thought several times that this place would fall apart without him.  Well, not exactly, but you know what I mean.

The insanity of his work schedule this week made last weekend all the more special.  It was Eli's birthday and he had the entire weekend off with nothing to do but be with us.  It was bliss.

I had the idea of using our time to finally explore the Mt. Kenya National Park, which is so close to us.  Eli was on board, so I packed a picnic and off we went.

It was a glorious day!

The park is gorgeous, as expected.  The eastern side of Mt. Kenya is heavily forested and we crossed paths with some monkeys, duikers, and a bushbuck.  The boys were determined to spot the extremely endangered bongo, but of course that was not to be.  Sykes monkeys and colobus monkeys kept them thoroughly entertained, however.  (Next time I'll take my zoom lens and get better photos.)

We reached the gate and found a picnic table of sorts - a rough-hewn table with four logs serving as chairs - so we settled down to eat.

(2950 meters = 9678 feet above sea level)

Can I just say that eating PB&J sandwiches outside together is one of life's greatest pleasures?  Especially when the PB&J is followed up by a birthday scotcheroo?  Truly, one of life's greatest pleasures!

We were able to explore a bit but didn't venture to the lake or the waterfall we had intended to go to.  The rainy season is here and the rangers told us the road further down was too difficult to maneuver.  But you better believe we'll be back in dry season to check out more of the park!

Also, isn't this shirt great?  I found it on Amazon before we came back to Kenya and knew I had to get it for Eli's birthday this year.  It's too perfect!

It was a glorious day that filled us up.  We needed that, and God provided.  Surrounding ourselves with God's creation is always a good thing, and we're so grateful to discover a place that's so close to Chogoria that offers a marvelous step into nature.

At the end of the day - at the end of every day - I adore my man.  He is good and godly, an example of righteousness in our home and in this world.  He cares deeply about people and selflessly listens, helps, encourages, and pours into others.  He is patient and kind.  He is faithful.  I am incredibly proud to call him my husband and so thankful for another year celebrating him and this life we live together.  I love you, Eli.  Forever and always.

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