Friday, September 16, 2016

One Year Old!

We have a Birthday Boy today!  Asa is one year old and still completely scrumptious!  We took these photos last weekend and my heart squeezes every time I look at them.  What a delightfully handsome little boy he is!

Today we simply enjoyed our Bubba and gave him some extra attention.  Eli was home a bit more than usual, which was an unlooked for blessing, so Asa got some extra Daddy snuggles in today.

I made strawberry muffins for breakfast and he was quite the help :)

Then he opened some presents with the eager help of his brothers and was quite satisfied with his gifts.

And just because he loves baths so much, I gave Asa a Birthday Bath - all by himself!  He usually shares the tub with two older brothers who take up a lot of space, so this was a special treat.

On a different note, Asa now has a crib!  He's been in a pack 'n play since he was born, but the one we've been using here started falling apart and was literally being held together with duct tape, so we had a carpenter build a crib for Asa.  Isn't it beautiful?  It's also rather sturdy, which is just what this strong boy needs.  We're very excited to have a real bed for him!

I still can't believe this boy is one year old!

What a year it's been for this Bubba.  Asa was born on his due date, weighing an incredible 11 pounds, 1.6 ounces, and was 23 inches long.  He's still on the heavy/tall end of the growth curve.  Less than two weeks after he was born we left our home in Duluth and became a bit nomadic for a couple months as we spent time with family and started saying goodbyes and went to missions training, and finally ended up in Michigan for about four months before moving here to Kenya.  Asa was 6 months old when we came here, and it was here that he learned to sit up and then crawl, and it will be here that he learns to walk and talk.  He's a curious explorer, destructive player, sweet snuggler, and intense babbler.  He loves to be tickled and play peek-a-boo and shove his snuggle blanket in his face.  He's content with anybody but his favorite person in the world is Mama.  He's a beautiful moose baby and we're so thankful for the joy he brings to this world!

We love you Asa Everett Horn!


  1. I'm late in reading this, but Happy Birthday Asa!!!!

  2. He is SO scrumptious! Oh my goodness! (this is Jamie, not Ben, by the way... :) I think you need one more baby :)
