Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Winter Days

Despite the fact that my computer's photo program completely freaked out last week - which led me to also freak out - I've still been taking photos of these winter days.  We haven't solved the problem with my computer, but thankfully we have an old computer that will suffice for now and I can slowly work through the past few weeks of photos...

Even though it's 50 degrees outside right now and we're taking bets on whether somebody's camper that was hauled onto the lake will fall through the ice, we've enjoyed a few days of playing in the snow and on the ice.  (And it's no joke - there's an actual camper, presumably used as an ice hut, sitting in the middle of the thawing lake and is already tilting its way toward falling in.  It's been there for weeks, probably abandoned by now since it's not remotely safe enough to haul it out at present.)

A couple weeks ago the boys went sledding with their cousins, down the hill behind my parents' house and across the pond.  They really zoomed and often made it all the way across the pond to the other side.  Kai, our fearless one, couldn't get enough of it!  He'd go forwards, backwards, by himself or with others.  It didn't matter as long as he was flying down the hill.  Caleb, our cautious one, wasn't too interested in sledding so he opted to wander around in the snow for awhile.

Eli has taken the boys on the lake a couple times to slide around and eat snow and knock each other over repeatedly.  They've also tromped through the woods and loved it!  We're glad we finally got some snow during this El Nino winter!

And here's a picture of the lakehouse, where my parents are graciously letting us stay during this season until we move to Kenya.  It's serving us well and we're so thankful to have a roof over our heads even though we don't really have a place to call home right now.  "Going home to the lakehouse" is the phrase Caleb uses to describe home, and that sounds good to us!

(Incidentally, in the time it took me to do this post, the camper has officially begun its descent into the lake, which means I win the bet because I said it would happen today!)

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