Friday, May 1, 2015

It's a...!  It's hard to believe we're already halfway to welcoming another Horn Baby!  The first trimester felt slow with the nausea and exhaustion as two little boys ran around and needed me just as much as usual, but since I've stopped vomiting the time has flown by.  And this week we had our 20-week ultrasound and saw our little squirt for the first time!  It was one of the few times reality sunk in.  This pregnancy has been so different for me - it's been hard to remember that another one is on the way, despite how pregnant I look and feel.  Caleb and Kai keep me so preoccupied that I haven't been able to think about and process through this pregnancy very much.  But when I saw our baby on the screen, it hit me.  There's a baby!  And it's ours!  And it's beautiful!!!  I cried a bit as I marveled at the life squirming around inside me.  This baby is LIFE and this baby is beautiful.

We opted not to find out the gender again so it will be a surprise for everyone.  We will be ecstatic either way.  Many people have asked if we're hoping for a girl, or have bluntly stated that they hope we're having a girl, but we truly don't care.  We've learned how fun and amazing little boys can be, so we'd be delighted in having another one.  We'd also love the chance to learn how fun and amazing little girls can be, so that would be a delight as well.  We will truly be happy and grateful either way!

Here I am at 20 weeks.  I know I look big already.  Par for the course, I guess.  The measurements from the ultrasound showed that (surprise surprise) this baby is measuring a tad on the large side.  After having two moose babies (Caleb was 10lbs, 2oz and Kai was 10lbs, 8.5oz) I won't be surprised or overwhelmed if we have another.  In fact, I'd be shocked if we have a normal-sized baby.  I keep joking that if we have a normal-sized baby that I'd be afraid it would fall apart in our hands!  We've only had heavy, chunky newborns who are strong and sturdy from the outset.  Anything else would feel fragile.  But we shall see!

Caleb is slowly grasping the concept that there's a baby in my belly.  He's kissed my belly a few times recently, which melts my heart, and I hope and pray that he'll actually like this kid when he/she comes out.  Kai, of course, has no idea what's coming :)

We're excited and grateful and eager and nervous all at once.  We're praying for a continued healthy pregnancy and for this little one to offer praise to God from the womb.  May He be glorified for the life He's created in His image, even as this person awaits to see the world outside of me.

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