Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Just Because We Have a Beautiful Baby Boy...

...I couldn't resist posting these photos.  We went on a family picnic last week and this little darling was exploring the grass and the sticks while his brother conquered the playground.

I know that every mom thinks her baby is the most beautiful, most precious, most smoochable little person on the planet, but I swear that it's actually true of our kid!!!  He is scrumptious.

Tell me, just tell me, if you could resist kissing those cheeks if they were within kissing distance?  Or at least poking them so they jiggled ever so slightly?  (It's a true delight, I tell you!)

Tell me, just tell me, if you could withhold a smile when you saw THIS smile beaming back at you?

Tell me, just tell me, if you could hold back a laugh and a smirk if you saw this boy using a wood chip like a giant toothpick on his two tiny bottom teeth?

Yep, this boy does it to you.  He makes your face smile, your eyes dance, and your heart melt.  He does not leave you unaffected by his charms.  His scrumptiousness makes you wish he could stay like this forever!

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