Saturday, April 6, 2013

Home Again

We returned from Grand Marais last weekend, had one day to unpack and repack, then headed to the Twin Cities to spend a few days with friends and family, and now we're home again.  We've spent the last two days going through mail, paying bills, grocery shopping, doing laundry....all the exciting things that require attention when a family's been gone for a month!

Here are some highlights from the last couple weeks:

Caleb's current favorite toy is a plastic spoon.  Any plastic spoon will do.  He takes it with him everywhere.  If he's upset, we present him with the spoon and he instantly starts giggling.  Not sure what the lure is, but it's a cheap and simple toy, and if we lose/break it, we have the excuse to go back to McDonald's and order a chocolate shake :)

He also likes to stir with the plastic spoon.  He's made lots of "soup" in the last several weeks.

The Mama and the Papa, enjoying a sunny day on Lake Superior while the baby slept inside.

I spent time playing around with the manual setting on my camera.  I must confess that I don't do this enough because most of my photos are of a moving, wiggling kid who makes it difficult to find the right setting on my camera and then capture the moment before the moment is gone.  So I relished the chance to fiddle with the camera settings while focusing on stationary objects!

Our last hike before leaving town was along the Kadunce River and it was breathtaking.  The weather was warm (as far as winter goes), the river was echoing off the cliffside to our left, our son was happy as a clam, and I had another chance to play around with my camera.  It was good :)

Gosh, we love hiking.  LOVE IT!

We spent our first Easter as a family at home in Duluth.  Church was lovely, watching Caleb open his Easter basket was lovely, and lunch with friends while eating a delicious Easter spread was lovely.  Praise be to God for a beautiful day to celebrate His Risen Son and the atonement He offers through His sacrifice!

It's good to be home, but we are thankful for the last month and the time it allowed us to be together as a family.  It doesn't happen often enough during this phase of life, and this last month was a time of renewal for us, a time to strengthen us for the months ahead, and a time to remember how blessed we are despite how much we struggle with that blasted residency.

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