Monday, May 15, 2017

Silly Poems

We found a book of poems from the MK schoolroom last week, and the boys have discovered some new favorites.  They keep repeating them over and over, and giggling to themselves, and saying them to each other, and wanting to read the poems in the book again.  It's hilarious and wonderful and I'm so glad our boys can appreciate rhyming and humor!

A Peanut
by Anonymous

A peanut sat on the railroad track,
Its heart was all a-flutter -
Choo-choo train
Comes round the bend,
Toot toot!
Peanut butter!

Who to Pet and Who Not to
by X.J. Kennedy

Go pet a kitten, pet a dog,
Go pet a worm for practice,
But don't go pet a porcupine - 
You want to be a cactus?

I'm so thankful for the MK schoolroom, which is full of books left behind by missionaries and short-term visitors over the years, and which is like a mini library for our boys.  We really miss visiting the library in Duluth and finding new books to bring home.  So we're incredibly thankful to have access to a collection of books just down the hill from us.  Caleb and Kai just love it when we get a new stack of books from the schoolroom!

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