Thursday, January 16, 2014

Can't Catch a Break

This poor kid.  He's sick.  Again.  He caught a nasty cold while traveling over New Year's and it was the worst cold he's ever had.  For eight days he was enduring snot and goop in his nose and eyes.  Every time he woke up he could barely open his eyes because of the crusted eye goop that had gathered while sleeping and had sealed his eyes shut.  And he had boogers stuck to his nose and lips that looked like nasty growths on his face.  And he had dried snot in his hair.  For eight days this went on.  I had to clean his face every time he woke up and he hated it.  He would scream and kick and scream some more.  By Day Six his nose was so raw it started bleeding.  This poor kid.  It was horrible, just horrible.

Finally, the virus passed.  We had four days with a healthy little toddler.  Then he woke up today with snot encrusted in/on his nose again.  And snot in his hair.  And eye goop crusted in his lashes.  Oh, the poor kid can't catch a break!  I put him right in the tub.  He loves baths and it helps him feel better and truly get clean of the snot.  And by God's grace, he's actually in a good mood despite being sick.

What was the culprit this time?  The nursery at church?  Storytime at the library?  Tot Time at the Community Center?  It's inevitable that this kid will get sick from being around other kids during cold/flu season, but I must admit that these sicknesses can take a toll on a Mama.  The constant nose-wiping and hand-washing gets tiring.  And trying to keep Caleb from touching Kai and spreading the germs can be a challenge too.

But we're pressing on!  Winter is over halfway done and when spring comes I'm looking forward to less sickness in this house.

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