Friday, July 26, 2013

Grumpy Pants

Not every day can smell like roses.  And not every day can start on the right foot when someone (I won't mention any names) wakes up before 5:30 raring to go.  So when someone (I won't mention any names) spends 20 minutes rolling and bouncing around his crib, eager for the day to get started, and then is re-snuggled in his blanket and told he needs to stay in bed a little longer because it's too early to get up, someone (I won't mention any names) has a complete meltdown and thinks the world is ending and simply cannot recover even when the other parties finally give up and resign themselves to letting him get up because they can't sleep through a screaming, crying someone (I won't mention any names).

But at that point, it's too late.  The grumpy pants have been put on.  The "woe is me" mantra has taken over. The tears are flowing, the snot is falling, and the injustice of it all cannot be forgiven!

Being freed from the crib = no good.
Cuddling with Mama = no good.
Eating breakfast = no good.

Some days, the grumpy pants go on and just don't come off for awhile.

So how do the grumpy pants come off?  TV.  I have learned the magic of letting the television soothe someone.  Truly, it works like magic.  He doesn't have to watch for long before he's calmed down, distracted from his earlier woes and ready to move on with the day.  It's the cure-all for a grumpy someone.  I have never loved TV more in my life :)

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