Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Birthday Boy!

Caleb is one year old!  And he's had quite a day!

Eli was still here when Caleb woke up, which was a special treat, and then our little man helped me make blueberry pancakes for breakfast, which he subsequently devoured.  He also had his first taste of cow milk with breakfast, and he seems to be a fan!

helping in the kitchen

he loves his spoon and pan!

satisfied with a tummy full of pancakes

Then he opened a birthday package from his cousins in Oklahoma and was rather excited to discover what was inside.  

Since it was so nice outside, we went to the park behind our house to let him swing in the baby swing for the first time.  He loved it!

In the afternoon we went to Menards to buy a bird feeder and a wren house so Caleb can watch birds this summer.  He loved watching the birds in Grand Marais so I thought it'd be a great birthday present.  My dad is an amateur ornithologist, so he knew what we should get in terms of which kind of birds to attract with which birdhouses and which birdseed.  We're hoping to see cardinals, blue jays, juncos, sparrows and chickadees on our deck this year.  And maybe a wren or two in the new birdhouse in our pine tree.

For supper we ordered Caleb's favorite dish: pizza!  This kid loves pizza.  Loves it.  He can hardly shovel it in fast enough!  It was the perfect birthday dinner for our little man.

double-fisting his pizza :)

And then Eli came home.  Caleb was super excited to see his daddy, who was just as excited to see him :)  I love how much my boys love to see each other at the end of the day.  On the days that Eli comes home in the evening, it's our golden hour to play and be together before Caleb goes to bed.  Our son is truly at his happiest when Eli walks through the door :)

Two other major events happened today: Caleb finally started drinking out of a sippy cup and he took his first steps on his own!  As for the sippy cup, I've been trying for a long time to get him to figure it out, to no avail.  He would bite it but not drink from it, and mostly throw it around like a toy.  But this morning, like magic, I gave it to him like I have every other day and suddenly he just picked it up and drank out of it as if he'd been doing it all along!  Woohoo!  Then, several times today, he took a few steps all on his own, by his own initiative!  He'd taken a couple steps last week with some urging and some help, but today he decided that he wanted to do it and would take off on his own!  He can only go a few steps before falling into me or onto his knees, but he's taking definite steps.  We will soon have a walker on our hands!

It's been a good day :)  We can hardly believe that we officially have a one-year old little man!

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