Friday, October 12, 2012

Three Decades

"Thirty was so strange for me.  
I've really had to come to terms with the fact 
that I am now a walking and talking adult."

~ C. S. Lewis

How true!  Sometimes Eli and I pause and stand amazed that we are truly in adulthood: we have graduate degrees that cost us intense time, money and brainpower, Eli is a physician who other people trust with their health, and we have a baby who is utterly dependent on us for literally everything in life.  How did we get here?  We've lived through three decades, that's how.  Well, Eli has at least :)  I've got more time in my beautiful 20s while my beloved husband turned 30 today.  And what a beautiful day it was!  Eli, miracle of miracles, had the day off and we relished some family time on a glorious October Friday.  Caleb was joyful as ever to be outside and snuggled with his daddy.

Happy Birthday, Eli!

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