Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Three Months

Everyone said the time would fly by.  Turns out they were right.  It's already been 3 months since our moose baby made his debut!  He's a smiley kid who loves to be outside, read books with Mama, and play in his bouncy seat.  Life is good!

Caleb also loves this toy.  It's definitely one of his favorites.  We call it Mr. Moose :)

He loves to cuddle it...

 eat it....

and tell it crazy stories :)

And since he's learned to roll from back to front, he's done a lot of face-plants this past week.  This is usually how it goes:

"Ugh, I'm on my face again.  This hurts my nose."

"That's better.  Now a little arm muscle..."

"...and look!  I've got my head up!  Now I can see Mama smiling at me!"

"Go ahead.  Let your heart melt!"

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