Friday, May 25, 2012

The Elusive Smile

Caleb has been smiling since the day we came home from the hospital and it melts our hearts like none other. Whenever I attempt to capture his precious grin on camera, however, the little stinker takes after his camera-shy daddy and his smile becomes rather elusive.  But today I succeeded!  Here are some snapshots of our happy boy.  He was looking outside at the time... his favorite pastime :)

And just for your viewing pleasure...

Oooo, look at the sunshine!

“Mom, why are we stuck in here on this beautiful day?  Can't we go outside?”

“Hold on!  Something just came up...”

“Uffda...this is a little uncomfortable...”

“Wow, that feels better!  My pants may be heavier, but my belly is much happier!”

“Ugh, now I'm tired.  Maybe we'd better stay here awhile till I get my strength back.”


  1. Those are some hilarious faces! Love it!

  2. Look t all those expressions! He looks so much like Eli in the first photo. :)
