There is nothing like a malfunctioned camera card to ruin all motivation for working on photos and posting said photos. I've had a hard time picking up my camera since an SD card went haywire in August and I lost a lot of photos from our trip out East. I've cried and grieved over the lost photos from our time in Connecticut and Boston - everything from the boys riding a quad in the woods with our cousin to digging with a real digger to our adventures at Plimoth Plantation and the Mayflower to half of our whale watching tour.
Gone, all of it. Except in my memory, which doesn't work well long-term, hence why photos are so important to me and hence why I've been so discouraged in the photo department the past couple months.
But we did have an amazing trip to see family and friends and I don't want to forget it! So here are photos that were blessedly preserved on phones instead of my actual camera, and then what I was able to capture with a different camera card after the first one went defunct.
First of all, our trip to New England was extremely special for Caleb because he didn't fly out there with the rest of us. He tagged along with Grandma and Grandpa Horn as they drove all the way out there with their camper in tow. They came through Michigan and picked him up, then continued on and met us out there. They stayed overnight in Pennsylvania along the way and took our animal-loving son to a place called Reptiland. He couldn't stop talking about it for days.

We met up in Connecticut to visit Eli's cousins, aunt and uncle. We hadn't been out there in years and it was such a joy to see them all again and for the boys get to know them. The agenda was simple: hang out and share meals together. The weather was beautiful and we got to swim in their pool and take the quad through the woods, and Kai and Asa got to dig with a digger in the back yard. It was heaven on earth!

Not only that, but Jen took us to the PEZ factory! It was such a fun and fascinating place. Who knew that PEZ had such history, and that there were more PEZ container designs than one could imagine?

We just love spending time with Eli's extended family. It was with reluctance that we had to leave Connecticut, but also with joy as we headed from there to Boston to see more family. We made a stop at Plimoth Plantation along the way, which the boys absolutely loved. I took some great photos and videos of Asa chopping wood and all the boys pretending to blast cannons, but all of that will have to live in my memory. We also made a stop at the Mayflower and Plymoth Rock, which was really fun too, but alas, that will have to live in my memory also.
We arrived at Eli's aunt and uncle's house and were welcomed by a welcome sign on the door - such a thoughtful touch as we brought our rambunctious boys into their space. I'm always amazed at the incredible hospitality of people as we bring all our chaos into their homes!
In Boston we had the chance to take the boys whale watching. It was a cool and cloudy day, but it was so worth it. I still can't get over the boys' excitement at seeing humpback whales coming to the surface of the ocean. It was also their first time seeing the Atlantic Ocean, which feels like a milestone. Their perception of the ocean is the Indian Ocean near the equator, so this was a totally different experience. Grandma Horn came along for the fun too!
Halfway through the boat trip is when my camera card malfunctioned (although I didn't realize at that point that my photos would be gone forever) so I simply switched cards and kept taking photos. I'm grateful I have anything from that experience.
Asa kept striking this pose. I assumed he was trying to use the Force on the whales, but when I asked about it he just said he wasn't doing anything. I love little boys and their indiscernible imaginations!
And we did see whales! Lots of humpback whales. No fancy jumps out of the water, but plenty of surfacing and deep dives with their tails flapping above the surface. They are such big, beautiful creatures. I'm so thankful we could see them.
The next day Eli's aunt took us into Boston so we could walk the Freedom Trail. The boys have learned a lot of American history in Social Studies and it was neat to walk the streets of Boston with them and help them imagine the history there. They knew about Paul Revere and Samuel Adams and the Boston Massacre and other tidbits. I love history and it was just amazing to be in Boston again, this time with our boys. And I must say how proud I was of their ability to walk the whole Freedom Trail and back!
Caleb had to leave a day early to drive back to Michigan with Grandma and Grandpa Horn, so the rest of us had time to enjoy the beach! Even though I myself don't love hanging out at the beach all that much, it was good to see the boys enjoy themselves so thoroughly. Kai and Asa didn't waste a moment digging in the sand and having a splendid time. I cherish these moments of watching our children love childhood!
We are in such a sweet spot with the kids. They are old enough to do a lot for themselves but are still kids, not running off without us. I love it. It makes these kind of trips so much easier than they used to be, and a whole lot of fun. We are reveling in the blessing of this sweet spot!