Saturday, June 29, 2013

Man of Steel

A couple nights ago we saw Man of Steel and were impressed, particularly with the Christological themes running throughout the film.  I suppose we'd be hard-pressed not to find metaphors between Superman and Jesus, but the aspect that caught our attention and impressed us the most was the element of choice.

(Spoiler Alert!  I'm about to reveal some of the storyline here!)

In this rendition of the Superman story, Kal-El (Clark Kent's Kryptonian name) was the first person born naturally on Krypton in many generations.  Everyone else was born artificially and was pre-designed to fulfill a specific role within society.  Because of this, everyone else was hard-wired to fulfill their pre-ordained purpose and was essentially created without the opportunity to choose his/her own path in life.  Kryptonians (minus Kal-El) fulfill their role in life whether they are on Krypton or anywhere else in the universe (as is seen when a handful of them come to Earth).  But again, Kal-El, a.k.a Clark Kent, a.k.a Superman, is different.

Clark Kent spends his life making choices about his role in society.  Flashback scenes show him as a child, choosing whether to keep his superhuman powers hidden or to use them out of moral obligation to help someone.  He struggles with the choice, not understanding himself completely but knowing he is unique and faces choices that no one else does, either in this world or his own.  Ultimately, he has to make the choice of whether to reveal himself to the world and become the superhero he could be, and if so, when it's the right time to do such a thing.

There are some great scenes with father-son dialogue about this very issue: When is the right time?  When will the people of the world be ready to discover such a superhero among them?

We loved this movie because of the reminder that there is a season for everything, and the Lord will reveal when it is the right time to do this or that, and we must have the patience and obedience and faith to choose to wait until the timing is right.  Jesus did this when He knew it wasn't time to reveal Himself yet.  He waited 30 years to begin ministry; only then was it the right time.  Then, even as Jesus began teaching and healing, He didn't reveal Himself as the Messiah until it was the right time and even warned His disciples not to tell people either (Matthew 16:20, Matthew 17:9).  It wasn't time yet.  Jesus made the choice to wait until the right time.

We were encouraged by this reminder throughout the movie as we are also waiting for the right time (although we must confess that we don't have any hidden superpowers just waiting to be revealed...we don't mean to disappoint you....).  In our case, we are waiting to move to Africa to live as medical missionaries.  We've been waiting a long time, but it's still not time yet.  It's been difficult as we are watching friends go ahead of us because it is their time already.  Most of my classmates from Wheaton (where I received my Masters in Intercultural Studies) are already on the mission field, and some of Eli's cousins are well on their way to moving to Africa soon to do long-term mission work.  And here we are, plodding away in America's medical education system, just waiting until it's our turn to go.  We've been waiting seven years already and have a couple more years of waiting ahead of us.  But now is not the time to go.  We are preparing, training, waiting, praying, listening, growing.  And the Lord will let us know when it's the right time for us, and then we will have the choice to obey.  We've obeyed thus far by waiting and we are eager and excited to obey by going when that sweet day comes.  Like Jesus, and like Superman in this movie, we are learning when the time is right for us and we are obeying by making the choice to stay now and go when He tells us to.

In the meantime, we'll enjoy our own little Superman, whose current superpower is incredibly infectious joy  :)

Saturday, June 22, 2013

Swinging at the Park

These photos were from a couple weeks ago.  Before I could upload them to the computer, my brand new camera card went defunct and I lost everything on it.  I love technology....grrr...  But, thanks to some wonderful tech genius at a camera shop here in Duluth, my photos were miraculously recovered and saved to a CD for me.  The camera card still doesn't have the photos, but at least I have the files now.  These are too precious to lose.  I was despondent for awhile, but now I'm a happy happy photo-taking Mama again :)

This park is directly behind our house (you can see our house in the third photo - in the background on the left, with the deck and little red car underneath).  Caleb loves the baby swing!  We go there a lot and he is a happy happy swinging kid :)

Heading to the park!  So exciting!

Life does not get better than this! 

Daddy!  I'm coming!

I hope there are swings in heaven :)

Tuesday, June 18, 2013


Caleb is officially walking!  He's been taking steps for a long time and also able to walk when we hold his hand(s), but hasn't taken off on his own until this past weekend.  Today I finally got a decent video while we were at the park.  What a huge milestone!

He's been crawling since 6 months so we thought he'd be walking before this, but he was content to crawl everywhere.  Why walk when you can crawl and still get where you want to go?  So he's taken his time exploring the option of walking, but now he's got it down, even if he's still a bit wobbly at times :)

I'm personally thankful that he's walking because now I don't have to carry him everywhere.  He's kinda heavy and it's been tiring to carry him so much.  But now I can put him down and let him walk on his own.  What a joy and a relief for me!

We're so proud :)

Sunday, June 16, 2013

Father's Day

As I type this, Eli's hand is on my belly and he's feeling our baby kick and kick as he/she is saying hi and Happy Father's Day!

My Beloved marked his second Father's Day by taking our son for a hike (I tagged along too).  We're hoping this becomes a tradition.  Unfortunately, the hike was cut short due to nasty mosquitoes plus an impending storm that turned into lightning and hail soon after we got back to the car, but it was still good to be outside and breathe the fresh air on Hawk Ridge overlooking Lake Superior.

I love my man :)  I love watching him as a father and I am eager for him to welcome our next baby so he can become a father all over again and amaze me all over again.  He's an incredibly beautiful and loving father, a patient and adoring dad.  Caleb loves him for it, and I know our next little one will too!

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

The Summer of Chocolate Milkshakes

I've declared this summer to be the The Summer of Chocolate Milkshakes.

Why?  Because 1) they're amazingly delicious and a perfect summer treat; 2) it's so darn easy to grab one at the McDonald's drive-thru; and 3) I'm pregnant and can do whatever I want in terms of treating myself to chocolatey goodness!

Today was the first real day of summer for us.  It was 80º and sunny.  It was perfect weather for being outside and perfect Milkshake Weather.  So I knew it was time to officially begin The Summer of Chocolate Milkshakes.

And I knew it was high-time our son had his first taste of a chocolate milkshake.  I'm actually surprised he hasn't had one so far.  I'm slightly embarrassed to admit such a horrendous oversight on my part.

We brought the milkshake back home and sat outside on the deck to enjoy its cool, chocolatey goodness.  Caleb took his first sip, smiled, took a second sip, smiled still more, then chugged, chugged, chugged for his third taste.  He LOVED it!

When Eli came home we ate dinner on the deck and enjoyed the perfect weather.  Eli has been on a rotation the last two weeks which has allowed him to be home every single evening!  It's been the most wonderful thing!

And then we played in the yard.  We have lots of dandelions since we haven't mowed the grass in awhile.  But Caleb loves them.  More than anything, he just loves being outside and crawling through the grass.  

And I can't resist sharing these photos with anyone who wants to adore our son with us :)

Here's to the Summer of Chocolate Milkshakes!

Thursday, June 6, 2013

It's a...

...well, we don't know if it's a boy or girl, but it's a BABY!

Yep, we're pregnant and already at the halfway point till we meet our little squirt face to face.  We had our 20-week ultrasound today and everything looks great so far.  We are unbelievably grateful for this and I definitely cried with joy :)  There's something about seeing your baby on the screen that just squeezes your heart and makes it overflow with joy and gladness.  He/she was moving a lot and kicking me during the appointment and one time I felt what I thought was a kick, but our little one was actually turning his/her head, which Eli saw happening on the screen.  Unbelievable!  Such a miracle going on inside me right now :)

We don't want to know the gender.  We didn't find out with Caleb either and we loved the mystery and surprise.  I love surprises, plus I just don't feel a gnawing need to know.  So we'll wait until October to find out if Caleb will have a brother or sister.  It'll be a surprise for everyone!

Baby Horn, 20 weeks

Big Brother Caleb 
(happy so far, but we'll see how he feels when he has to 
share the attention come October!)